Day 8: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Declutter your house or at the least one room you spend the most time in.  If your mind seems scattered, if you forget things easily, or if you have trouble focusing, decluttering your house will help declutter your mind.  Your outer world is a reflection of your inner state of being.  It is hard to be positive, happy and at peace in a space that is tight, cluttered and difficult to navigate.  Decluttering can be hard, many items have special meaning or have some attachment, while others give you guilt or even annoyance.  A few years back I read the now popular book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” by Marie Kondo.  If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to do so.  The premise of the book is to go through your house to get rid of (throwing away or donating) any item that no longer brings you joy, items you have too many of or are no longer useful.  You don’t have to go to the extreme and get rid of everything in your house (for me it would have included all of my furniture too), but the act of holding an item and letting go of it because it no longer sparked happiness, actually brought happiness into my life.  Of course you can’t get rid of other people’s stuff, but downsizing what you own will give you a since of peace when your through. You don’t even have to do your whole house, just the room or rooms you spend most of your time in.  Although, once you’ve managed to do one room you’ll likely want to do the rest, but for this challenge just try one room.

Peace, Love and Gratitude

Did you miss day 7? Click here to read!


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