Day 7: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Spend time with someone you’ve been meaning to connect with.  As adults we tend to busy up our lives with work.  There’s your job work, then you get home and there’s house work, there’s getting kids to do their stuff work.  It is almost like we’ve given up on just being and putting what brings us joy off until we’re not so busy.  The problem with that theory is that unless we make time to be not busy, there will always be something else you could be doing.  How many times have you made plans with a friend only to cancel because something came up?  There could be one of two things going on, 1 you really don’t enjoy to spend time with that person or 2 you feel guilty for taking time to just be and enjoy time with others. If it is the first one, then you should reevaluate your friendship.  If it is the second, call them up, or texted if that’s what you do and this time don’t cancel. Go out to lunch, invite them over for dinner, go for a walk, go out for drinks, etc.  Do what you would normal do with the person you haven’t see in a while.  We all need time with people we enjoy.  It lifts the spirits when you can vent, laugh and have quality time with those in your tribe.
Peace, Love and Gratitude
Did you miss day 6?  Click here to read!


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