Day 13: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Get in touch with your inner child.  For this next challenge, I want you to find a picture of yourself as a child.  While looking at your picture I want you to notice the energy that radiates from the picture.  Have a conversation with your inner child, hold him or her in your arms and tell them what you needed to hear at that age.  Talk to them about where you are at in life, and what it took to get here. What advice would you give your little self?  What advice would your little self give you? Ask him or her what they would like to do today and revisit what brought you joy as a child. For more of a challenge, find multiple pictures of yourself at different stages of your childhood.  Consider each stage of your life, look back on your experiences and see how they’ve shaped you, how they’ve lead to this moment in time and space. If this challenge didn’t leave a happy feeling, that’s okay, sometimes we have to work through old pain in order to allow happiness to begin to seep through the cracks and crevasses where we thought the world had broken us. Keep the picture in a place that you can see if often and each day ask your child self what they'd like to do.

Peace, Love and Gratitude

Did you miss Day 12?  Click here to read!


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