Day 18: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Write down your gratitude’s at the end of the day.  The next two challenges will be about journaling.  If you are not one for writing, this may be quite a challenge.  There is an alternative though, you can also tell a friend, or spouse the things you are grateful for at the end of the day.  Try and write 5 things each day that you are grateful that happened that day or that you have in your life.  After a week you will notice that you might be writing the same things down each day, and you will start to get creative with what you write.  The reason gratitude is so important to one’s happiness, is because it focuses your attention on what is good and what makes you feel good in your life.  When you begin to focus on the good, you begin to send out the emotional frequency of good and gratitude, which will attract more good or things to be grateful for into your life.  You can even try to be grateful for the things that aren’t going so well in your life, try and put a silver lining so to speak, on the negative aspects and situations that arise in your day. When you start to think in terms of gratitude, you will start to notice that even when things don’t go as planned, the universe is always working in your favor.

Peace, Love and Gratitude

Did you miss Day 17?  Click here to read!


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