Day 1: 28 day Happiness Challenge

Go for a walk.  Yes, even if you live in a place that is currently snowing and cold.  Be safe of course, if you don't live in a safe area, drive to someplace safe.  If it is too snowy or icy wear ice cleats or consider snowshoeing or cross country skiing.  No good place to walk?  Walk around your office or a mall.  Trouble walking?  Ride a bike or do some other form of exercise to get your heart moving.  Studies have shown that walking improves your mood.  But don’t take my word for it.  Take 5 minute walk, just five minutes.  Do this without your phone, yes without it.  Leave it on your desk or at home.  Phone distraction negatively affects your mood.  If you can’t leave your phone for 5 minutes, then you have a bigger problem, then you may need a 10 or a 20 minute walk to break the attachment. But how will you know when you’ve walked for 5 minutes if you don’t carry your phone?  Take a good guess, use a watch, get a stop watch or a dollar store kitchen timer.  However you keep the time doesn’t matter as long as you don’t use your phone.  Take this 5 minute walk and then turn around and look at how far you’ve come.  Sometimes when you only focus on where you are going, you can get caught up in all of the obstacles and challenges and forget how far you’ve actually come.  Try and take a walk a few times a week, or every day if you can.  Be mindful of how you feel before you walk, during and how you feel upon returning from your walk.  Going for a short walk can really put things into perspective. You can choose to walk in the morning, mid-day or in the evening.  You can walk in the city, a park along the back country roads, in your office building, just pick a place that you feel safe taking a short stroll.  Do it all types of weather sunny weather is nice but rain can offer just as much happiness.  Already walk each day?  Try a longer walk or run but always remember to turn around and look how far you’ve come.  

Feel free to like my page on Facebook to stay up to date on the challenge.

Peace, Love and Gratitude


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