Day 19: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Write down your intentions.  Now that I have you declaring your gratitude, I would like you to add your intentions to the list at the end of the day.  Write down what your intentions are for the following day. Do you intend to have more energy, or abundance in your day tomorrow? Do you intend to be productive or relaxed? Do you intend to be kind or patient? Leave your intentions broad, try not to force specific ideals or things into your life.  Don't intend to eat better, just intend to be healthy.  When you make your intentions too specific, it is easy not to do as you intended.  When you leave your intentions wide open and broad, it allows them to show up in many forms through our your day.

One intention I like to have is "I intend to pay attention to the now."  My thoughts have always wondered to the past and to the future.  I grew up a worrier.  This intention to pay attention to the now keeps my thoughts centered and focused on whatever I am currently doing.  I also intend to always have enough time, and I do, there is always enough.

Writing your intentions at the end of the day for what you’d like tomorrow, sets the tone and energy before you fall asleep.  Again, when you focus your energy and thoughts on what you want you will manifest those into reality.  If what you intend seems far from the truth, it may take more than just writing them down to believe them.  You can try using EFT tapping to create space for these new intention and beliefs. Then go to sleep with thoughts of your intention.  First thing in the morning, read your intentions, then go about your day as if they’d already happened.

Peace, Love and Gratitude

Did you miss Day 18?  Click here to read!


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