Day 17: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Mirror work. When was the last time you looked in the mirror?  This morning? Last week? A year ago?  When was the last time you really looked in the mirror?  Not to put on makeup, not to brush your teeth, not to check and make sure your butt looks okay, but to really look at yourself.  To see the different flecks of color in your eyes, to see the shimmer of grey hairs emerge, to see the beauty of each line and wrinkle, to see the blessings of your curves.  Take a look in the mirror today, what is the first thought that comes to your mind?  Is it of flaws, or is it of beauty?  Today’s challenge is to really look in the mirror.  Set a timer for 5 minutes and look into your own eyes.  Some people say that the eyes are the gateways to the soul.  Take a look into yours.  Take notice the ease or difficultly you have looking at yourself.  Take note of (or become aware of) what you believe to be your flaws and what you believe to be your assets. At the end of the mirror time look yourself in the eyes and say out loud “I love you, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are amazing and you are enough.”  You can use other affirmations as well, but always start with “I love you.”  I don’t think we hear those words enough, and when you say them you might not believe that they’re true.  You might feel that you are not loved, that perhaps you are unlovable or not enough.  You will find the love you seek within your own eyes.  That is why it is important try and do this challenge each morning until when those words you utter make you smile so big that your heart fills and shines out to others.

Peace, Love and Gratitude

Did you miss Day 16?  Click here to read!


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