Day 26: 28 Day Challenge

Do something that brings you joy that you have set aside because “you don’t have time.” There are times in your life when you put aside things that bring you joy.  We do it because we’re busy or can’t afford to or because it’s childish.  Sometimes we stop because of depression, illness and fatigue and you don’t have the energy to just get up and do it. And most of the time we choose to put what brings us joy to the back of our mind because we are helping others find their joy.  It is important to remember that you cannot give what you don’t have.  It every time you are squeeze you get angry, frustrated and annoyed, then that is all you can give regardless of your intent of giving love and peace.  Give yourself a time out, take time away from your children, take time away from your job, give yourself some space to do something that brings you joy and don’t let guilt come to play.  Perhaps you don’t even remember what it is that brings you joy, now is the chance to try something new, and if it doesn’t bring you joy try something else.  Now is the time to remember who you really are, a spiritual being full of love and light, a being who came here to learn and grow through seeking new experiences and challenges.  So take that vacation, soak in the sunshine, do something creative, go skydiving if that is on your bucket list and make space for the things that bring you joy.

Peace, Love and Gratitude

Did you miss Day 25? Click here to read!


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