Day 5: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Surprise someone with a gift (smile, hello, wave, coffee). Random acts of kindness are known to send ripples of love and kindness out into the world.  It not only effects you as the giver but also the person receiving the gift.  To top it all off anyone in the vicinity that witnesses the act of kindness will also be positively effected.  Those effected, including yourself, will be more likely to have a positive mood and do something positive for another person.  There is a catch though, you have to do it without expectation of a thank you or gratitude, although most will tell you thank you if they know who to thank but there will be some who are not grateful for the help or gift, or if you choose to do something anonymous such as pay for the person behind you in the drive through, don't expect the person to jump out of their car to say thank you. This random act doesn’t have to cost you a thing.  It may be just smiling and saying hello, or asking someone how they are doing and actually listening to them.  You could take a cart back to the store or help someone load their car.  You can give someone a genuine complement, make them a card with a hand written note.  Make a meal for someone, or invite them to dinner.  I think that the art of hosting dinner has been lost over the years.  It doesn’t even have to be dinner, perhaps just dessert. Whatever act you choose, choose from the heart. Choose to do something today, and then perhaps find a way to work giving in each day.  Like I stated earlier, it doesn't have to cost a thing.

Peace, Love and Gratitude

Did you miss Day 4?  Click here to read!


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