Day 12: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Talk with someone you’ve been avoiding.  This one may be a tough one.  Who in your life have you been avoiding?  Is there someone you’re mad at, perhaps had a disagreement with or you’ve said something you didn’t mean to say and now there is a rift.  Perhaps someone said something to you and it got you fuming but never said anything to the person, so now you just avoid.  Maybe there’s an apology that is in order or an understanding that needs to take place. Or perhaps you just drifted apart and now you are unsure of what to expect. Avoidance makes us feel safe but also causes anxiety and fear, both of which can stifle happiness. For today's challenge I am asking you to face your fear and talk with (not write or email or text) pick up the phone or meet them in person and talk with the person you’ve been avoiding. Wade through your fear and talk with the person, say what's on your mind.  The relief you feel after will make you wonder why you hadn't done this sooner.
Personally, I have used avoidance my whole life because of conflict anxiety, and other social anxieties, but each time I realize that I am avoiding someone because of fear, I step up and face it, because I have come to know that on the other side of that fear is almost always joy, if not joy, then at least an understanding and peace.
Peace, Love and Gratitude
Did you miss Day 11? Click here to read!


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