Day 4: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

First you start with yourself and repeat with your thoughts
the following:
May I be happy and may I bring happiness to others
May I be joyful and may I bring joy to others
May I be at peace and may I bring peace to others
May I be free from fear and doubt
May I be healthy and strong
May I be free from financial burden
May I see abundance in my world
Then think of someone you love, someone near and dear to
you. A friend, your spouse, a child etc
and repeat the above except with the pronoun He/She
Now think of someone in your community, someone you see
everyday that you don’t really know much about.
A cashier, bus driver, toll booth operator, garbage man, teacher,
librarian etc and repeat the above except with the pronoun He/She
Now think of someone that really pissed you off today or got
under your skin. Someone you’ve held a
long standing grudge with. Repeat the
above meditation for them, again using he/she while you think of them. This is generally the toughest one to stay
focused, this is because your ego will try and get you to remember all the
reasons why this person doesn’t deserve love and kindness. Over time it will get easier.
Last repeat the meditation for all beings of the
planet. This will be for all of the
humans, animals, and planets, for the insects and the ocean. Just use the pronoun They or All Beings.
Note how you feel before the meditation and how you feel
after. Also take note of the ease or
difficultly you had with each one. Was
it difficult to think loving kindness toward yourself? If it was, this is a strong indication that
you need to do some internal work. Was
it easy to wish a loved one good will, how about the stranger? How often did your thoughts interrupt you
when sending love to the person you were mad at? What did you feel when you sent love and
kindness out to the world?
Again this can be done anywhere, just be safe. I wouldn’t do the whole meditation while
driving, that can be distracting when trying to focus on the road, but I do
recommend send out a few loving kindness thoughts to the person who just cut
you off in traffic.
Peace, Love and Gratitude
Did you miss day 3? Click here to read.
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