You day! For today’s challenge I want you to pick one day of
the week just for you.
A day that you do
what brings you joy and satisfaction in your life.
Not a day for binge watching television, or
doing nothing.
Not a day mixed with
errands and appointments.
A day for you
to work on you and do exactly what makes you happy.
Weather it’s a long walk, travel, working on
a project, taking a day for self-care, visiting friends you like, learning
something new or whatever the case may be, set aside one day just for you.
Block out a chunk of time that you will keep
to do only things you want to do, so no cleaning or picking up, don’t do bills
or laundry, unless that is what brings you joy then have at it!
for more of a challenge try and set aside one day each week just for
you. If you already have that going on in your life, try for two days, or a whole week dedicated just to you!
Peace, Love and Gratitude
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