Volunteer where and what you are passionate about.
Doing something for others (plants, animals
and people) in need feels good when you are doing it for the right reasons. Don't do it because you should, but because you genuinely want to help. If
you already volunteer and it feels like an obligation, walk away and find
something worth your time and effort.
the same time if you feel like you just can’t find time in your schedule don’t
feel guilty for not stepping up to be the first to volunteer. There are many ways to volunteer your
time serving people, animals and our planet. You can choose to make a solid commitment and once a week walk dogs at your local animal rescue, or volunteer
at a zoo, nature center, school, library or any place of business that
interests you. Perhaps you choose to
help at your local food bank or soup kitchen.
Or maybe you don’t have that much free time with kid’s school and work,
so maybe you choose to help pick up litter at a park one weekend or mow your
elderly neighbor’s lawn. Or perhaps you don’t even have that much time, you
could just decide to commit to picking up litter anytime you see some on the path you are
walking. And if you don’t have any time
at all, choose to volunteer your money to your favorite charity and drop off
your donation in person. Volunteering
isn’t to get a “Thanks for helping!” It
is more like you saying, “Thank You for letting me be of service.” Being of
service is one of the reasons we are here in this form, to discover, have
adventure, learn, grow and to help others succeed along the way.
Peace, Love and Gratitude
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