Hand write a letter of gratitude to someone.
Between email, texting, and social media
accounts it is rare to receive a hand written note.
Even Christmas cards are becoming
In this challenge, I want
you to write down all of the people in your life that you are grateful that they are
or were in your life.
Then I want you to
write them a hand written letter and send it through the mail.
I know, you will have to find a piece of
actual paper and a pen or an actual sharp pencil.
Then you’ll need a stamp and an envelope.
If you are like me and have kids in school,
paper should be easy, just don’t take one with their math notes. If not, then
you could go and buy some lovely stationary but any plain paper will do.
Expressing your gratitude for them as a
person and tell them what they mean to you, what it means to have them in your
life, will not only have you appreciating you own journey but will brighten
their day when the letter is received.
Not sure how to begin?
Start with
the line “I am writing to tell you how grateful I am to have you in my
You could stop at just one
letter, but I encourage you to continue down your list.
Even writing those that are no longer with
you in this physical form, those letters can be burned to release their energy,
or ready aloud to nature.
Sometimes when
people die suddenly and we don’t get the chance to tell them what they meant to
us, and then you hold on to that regret and longing.
Those feelings can weigh on you and hold you
down. Don't forget to include yourself, your body, mind and spirit deserve your gratitude as well. Release your gratitude.
Peace, Love and Gratitude
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