Day 14: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Let Go.  There are many things in life that we choose to hold on to, because of fear of letting go might mean that we are letting go of a part of ourselves.  That it might mean we have to let go of an old limiting belief.  Part of letting go is really about accepting where you are in life, where and what it took to get this far and being okay with not knowing what comes next.  Yes, it sounds like I am going to start singing the infamous Frozen song, but seriously it’s time to let it all go.  Let go of beliefs that are no longer serving you.  Let go of   “if only I had this or that, then I would be happy.”  Or “remember when we had this or that, boy, that was an awesome time.”  Holding on to super amazing experiences and then comparing your current life to that places that memory on a pedestal.  

On the flip side, sometimes there are things that have happened in your life, like childhood trauma, that you hold on to.  Perhaps it was something someone said or did to you.  Or an accident or death of someone close.  Maybe you made some choices when you were younger that you are ashamed of or regret.  These experiences stay with you and in turn have made you who you are today, but that doesn’t mean you have to continue to hold onto them. 

Also, letting it go doesn't mean you wont remember those good times or bad times either, it just means you are not letting what happened continue to control your happiness.  You give power to wherever your thoughts lead you, what you choose to focus on.  Truth be told your experiences change you and make you who you are, you are not the same person you were when you were born, or the same as when you went through high school or collage; you are not the same as you were a year ago, or  even the same person you were before you read this post.  Each moment you change, the past will always trail behind us but it doesn't have to hold us back.

One of the easiest ways to let go is to use EFT Tapping.  Tapping on meridian points releases the emotional hold your thoughts and memories have on your subconscious, and conscious brain. I have included a free tapping mediation video about letting go of your past. This will help you become more open to letting go of your past, but you may find that more tapping is needed to help release specific events and emotions.  Watch the video below.

Peace, Love and Gratitude

Did you miss Day 13?  Click here to read!


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