Day 21: 28 Day Happiness Challenge

Laugh out loud. Today’s challenge is to laugh out loud. A good belly laugh!  They say laughter is the best medicine, and it’s true.  Not only are there studies that prove laughter heals, there is even a documentary. Being able to laugh, really laugh at how ridiculous life can be, not only can lift your mood, but lift the mood of others.  Hearing someone laugh out loud is contagious.  You might not even know what they are laughing at and then you find yourself laughing right along with them.  I use to hold in my laughter.  Being a perfectionist growing up, I didn’t find much to laugh at.  It took a long time before I could laugh at my mistakes and laugh at how absurd the world can be from time to time.  As I lost the need for perfectionism, and lost the need for approval from others, I have found my laughing voice, which ironically is as loud as my mother’s.  When my brother and I were in plays back in high school, you could hear the distinctive laugh of my mother in the crowd.  So for today, laugh.  Laugh without a reason.  Just try it.  Laugh so hard that it makes someone else laugh.  Watch a funny movie, or listen to a comedian, or listen to the sound of a child laughing. Watch animal videos or whatever strikes your fancy.
Peace, Love and Gratitude
Did you miss Day 20? Click here to read! 


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