Spend time with animals.
Animals have a way of lifting the spirit by just being and living their
If you have a pet at home, spend
some quality time with your fur baby.
Cuddle, snuggle, play, have a conversation with them or take them for a
No fur baby at home?
That’s okay too.
Put up a bird feeder and watch the birds and
squirrels, go to the zoo or visit an aquarium.
And if you don’t have any of those available, ask a friend if you can
borrow their dog, or better yet volunteer as a dog walker or cat companion at
an animal rescue in your area.
live in the moment.
They eat, sleep and
They sing, chat and groom. They
are continually curious about the world around them.
Fear is useful for survival but does not
limit them or curb their adventurous spirit.
We can learn a lot from watching animals, plus they tend to be a great
source of entertainment.
Remember to
take note of how you are feeling before and after your challenge.
Peace, Love and Gratitude
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