Unfinished Projects

Image may contain: plant and flowerWhy am I choosing to not finish my children's book?  It is a question that I keep asking myself.  I have what I need, all I have to do is finish three flower pictures and a few more butterfly pictures.  I wish I understood what was blocking me from completing it.  I guess because I don't think the pictures will be good enough.  I really don't have any excuses to not finish. 

Wayne Dyer always said, "Don't die with your music still in you."  You have to use your gift and give it to the world but fear stops so many of us from ever playing with what the universe has gifted us. That is what life is about isn't it?  All about play.  I enjoy word play and I enjoy art play.  So why is it so difficult to just let it happen?  What old belief am I holding in my mind and body? 
Image may contain: plantI did work really hard on the first 14 pages.  The above picture of the Tiger Lily that I still need to perfect are going to fill an entire page with how big I paint and the fact that I need to paint 8 of them on the page.  Perhaps I am a bit overwhelmed by the idea.  At first my excuse was my scanner is too small because I could barely fit my last picture on there.  But now I have several ideas on how to scan the picture, but still I have yet to sit down and work on it. 

I have been painting still, a lot in fact.  People, places, things.  And have really been enjoying the process of creating.  I don't want to leave this project unfinished.  What do you do with unfinished projects?  I find that if I have some, they eat away at me or weigh me down.  Sometimes they even zap my creative flow, which halts all my fun and enjoyment.  It is time to either scrap the whole thing or finish it like I intended.  I intend to finish this project by the end of the year. 

Thank you for reading!

Peace, Love and Gratitude


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