Art is a feeling.  You paint what you feel.  If you are angry, it shows.  Sad, that comes through your art too.  It is amazing to me what art shows about an artist and how you can relate to their work and think "Yeah, I've felt that way too." 

Art has always been my healing space even as a little girl.  I was always creating.  Painting, coloring, create clothes for my barbies with old scrapes of cloth, and quilting.  Creating helped me work through fear and anxiety in my teen years and later it helped with depression.  There were times when I choose not too create anything.  Not because I didn't want to but because I didn't make time.  Those were some dark and overwhelming times in my life. I would eventually work my way back to create and I would think "why didn't I do this sooner."  Art always makes everything all better, like chocolate.

You can make art out of anything you choose to create.  Whether you cook, clean, garden, quilt, write
or paint and sculpt.  I believe that art is the process of allowing your feelings to move through you, so that they do not get stuck and build up.  Have you ever cleaned when you are angry?  I do.  If you ever come to my house and I am furiously cleaning, you should probably back up and come back later.  Have you ever cooked while you were sad?  How did the food turn out?

The next time you create, feel what goes into your art.  Is it angry or joy, peace or sadness.  Whatever the feeling, it will show through to those around you.  It will touch their hearts and move within them the same feeling.


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