
Working with your angels is a beautiful process that I absolutely love watching unfold. You simple thank your angels for the work they are already doing. Whenever I am worried about something that is not in my control I simply thank them for there help in the matter, then let it go and wait for the magic to happen. I will than begin to see angel numbers (repeated numbers 44 or 444 is the number you see when your angel is near) or will watch as things seamlessly fall into place.
Sometimes your angels will do things that will seem a little backwards or irritating. Like the time I thanked them for our safe travels as we were starting out our vacation, and right after the prayer and before we left town and got on the highway, both tires on our trailer blew out. Lucky for us we weren't on the highway in the middle of nowhere, but close enough to a store so we could get new tires so we could get back on the road.
What are your angels' names? Do you have an angel story?
Peace, Love and Gratitude
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