Live Life Creatively

Everything in life is a process.  Learning to ride a bike, art, swimming, healing, health etc.  It all takes time, with layers upon layers of learning, failing, relearning, changing, failing again, getting up and trying yet another time.  At times we want to give up on the process of life.  You might feel like you just can't get up one more time and try again.  After all of the failures, all of the trying times, you just feel done, like you have nothing left to give.  And honestly, you have every right to feel that way.  Sometimes during life's trials and tribulations, you just have to hit rock bottom so that you know that there is solid ground underneath. Then and only then, can one begin the climb back up and out of the darkness to try again with more strength and determination then you ever thought possible.
I never thought of myself as an artist, and parts of me still do not feel that way.  As a young child I always enjoyed creating and painting.  I even drew and doodled on my paper bag book covers at school during class when I was board.  I actually still draw and doodle on boring meeting agendas, and carry an art journal for when I have to wait at a doctors office.  I have only recently gotten back into painting with acrylics and even more recently started playing with watercolors.

Playing, that is really all it is about.  Willingness to dive in, have fun, without the expectation that you are going to be a mega super star artist.  Willingness to make bad art, if there is such a thing and make mistakes.  Art has always been a process for me and I enjoy living life creatively.  

If you could take the stance that life is about playing, how would that change the way you view your world?  I think that is why we are here, in this thing called life, to play, to live life creatively.  How do you bring play into your life?  

Thank you for reading and following my ramblings, 

Peace, Love & Gratitude


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