Clearing Creative Clutter
If you're creative like me, you probably have a few unfinished projects around the house. Creative clutter weighs down on you, sometimes to the point of depression where you can't even do what you used to enjoy. There are simple ways you can go about cleaning up your creative clutter so that you have room for inspiration and opportunities to arise in your life. One of the first things you can do to help clear the creative clutter is is get out every unfinished project and set it in front of you. Now I know this can be quite a task, I had a room full of them when I did this the first time. I was overwhelmed at the amount I had stored away over the years. Well over 20 projects that I had started or bought stuff for and never started. Then you take each project and inspect it with love. Touch every piece of the unfinished item. Ask yourself why you started it, was if for someone or something. Remember the feelings you had when you begun the project or bought the items...