New Year Intentions

No automatic alt text available.A brand new year.  What is it about the number changing on the calendar that makes one want change themselves, when it is available to do at any time?  At the end of a year, I like to look back and see all the good that happened, I also like to find areas I want to improve upon.

I really did have a good year despite my health problems and lack of enthusiasm for my job.  I was able to travel to a new county, go camping with my family and try new art forms.  I improved my website and listed things to sell and started this blog.  New opportunities showed up throughout the year and I went for them and feel good that I did, even though none of them worked out.  I even finished my unfinished projects that I had intended to finish when 2018 first began. 

I have many intentions for the upcoming year.  I want to publish my book, my health is always on the list of things to improve (I am actually kind of sick of this one having to be on there), I want to teach some art classes, or at the very least hold art parties and take art classes myself. 

This is also a good time to let go of anything that no longer serves you.  Things that made you angry or upset, things that didn’t go as planned.  Toxic relationships, mental and physical clutter, and anything else that seems to be holding you back.  There are a couple of good ways to let go of what is no longer serving you.  One is to write down your problems, negative emotions etc. and ceremoniously burn them to release them, or you can place them in the back of your freezer.  You can also EFT tap on all that came up over the past year and release your feelings one item at a time.  You can write a letter to the universe, then listen for the answers while meditating. 

May this New Year bring all that you want and more.
Thanks for reading!
Peace, Love and Gratitude


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