Everything is Temporary

No photo description available.This life lesson is learned at an early age, yet forgotten over and over again throughout a life time.  There is no forever in this realm of form.  Your place on this earth is temporary.  Your current life situation is temporary.  Your material items are temporary.  Your feelings, whether happy or sad, angry or elated, are all temporary.  Yet we tend to obsess as if they all last forever.  Then if that is not enough, we panic because we remember that it won't.  Children grow up, beautiful relationships crumble or move on and your physical body eventually deteriorates.

For me, this life lesson is getting easier to remember and helps me live in the present moment.  Each moment is a gift.  Something to be grateful for, no matter the judgement at the time. If we live with the knowing that everything is temporary, perhaps we slow time during moments of joy to receive all that is meant for us in that moment, and let go of the emotional hold during those moment that are not so pleasant.


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