Unfinished Projects: Part 3

Image may contain: indoorI have made some progress on my unfinished projects.  I was able to finish the rest of the bibs that I had, as well as get all of the bibs out of storage that I have made over the years and get them out of my house.  I gave a few to a friend who knows someone that is having a baby and I gave the rest, a whole bag full, to our local women's shelter.

Image may contain: food and indoorMy next project was my potluck holders.  I had no takers on these, so I finished them up and decided to fill them with cookies and give them away to friends.

Still have yet to work on those dolls.  I hope I get the energy to actually finish them by the end of the year.  Seriously, they only need hair and faces, you'd think I could just jump right on those and get them done, but I just don't know what to do with them when they're finished.


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