I Intend to Feel Safe, Healthy and Strong in My Body

Image may contain: drawingMy intention is a good one, but my mind says otherwise.  I recently went to see my doctor.  It was a visit I had planned awhile back just to check in, and I almost cancelled it because I was/ am feeling quite well.  For those just getting to know me, I deal with autoimmune issues and some days/ months I feel great and others not so much.  I have tried exercise, managing stress, yoga, meditation, supplements and changing my diet and all have helped in some minor way.  It is like I am in a million pieces and I cant seem to figure out how to put me back together.

But here's the catch 22.  When I am feeling like crap and my body feels like it is going to quit, my blood work is normal and there is nothing found, and then when I am feeling great like I am today, my blood work says otherwise. Low iron, low vitamin D, and to top it all off my liver enzymes are high.  It is just frustrating when you are doing all the "right" things and feel "good" to have your results not reflect how you believe.  This has happened on more than one occasion so I have decided to set this intention to feel safe, healthy and strong in my body.

Related imageI use EFT Tapping for many of my deep seeded beliefs.  My beliefs about my health are no exception.  If you haven't used tapping before, it is quite easy to learn and use, and allows you to let go of old beliefs and open yourself up to new, more positive beliefs.  Here are the tapping points that you use while repeating what is bothering you.  If you don't quiet know what to say, here is what I do to make sure I am being brutally honest with myself.

I wrote my intention, or how I want to feel down.  Then I read it and wait for my mind to start running it's thoughts.  You will find that your thoughts are generally pretty honest, in fact some times hurtful.  Write it all down. 

Here is my list for my intention:
This will never be true
Nothing I do seems to really matter
not supplements
not eating habits
not exercise
I will never be my greatest self when it comes to my body
I have accepted that this is how it will always be
When I feel good my blood work is not
When I feel like crap my blood work is fine
I can't win
This make me sad and angry and frustrated
I don't feel safe in my body
I clearly don't understand how to take care of it
All I know how to do is love all my broken pieces
I want to help my body
it is the only one I have
It is frustrating to think that nothing I do helps
There is always some thing
When I think about my healthy there is tension in my neck right at the base of my skull
There is also tension in my back right between my shoulders

Then I tap.  I use all that I have written down and tap on the different points and say what I have written.  I say it out loud because then you can truly feel the emotion in your words. Where there is emotion, there is a place that needs release to heal.  If something else comes up while I am tapping then I voice it while I continue to tap.  I tap on these negative feelings and words until they no longer have an emotional response.

Then you can tap to release your old beliefs and feelings to make room for your new intentions to take hold.  That tapping script goes something like this:

Image may contain: drawingI am ready to release this old belief
I have held on to it for so long
but I am ready to release it
I am now open for my new intentions
I am safe in my body
I am healthy and strong
I do my best to love my body
I accept my new intention

Tap while saying these until it feels true.

May this serve you as well as it did me!

Peace, Love and Gratitude


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