Great things happened this past year of season. I took a leap to begin and finish and self-publish one of my many books. Many people, I feel, look down on self-published books, but if they really knew what it takes to get a publisher, they may just change their mind. Nowadays, publishers aren't looking for the next big thing, they are looking for an author with a good idea and a crap ton, official term, of followers. Many followers, means many books sold with little money spent on advertising. Self published authors do everything themselves, it's a lot of work. Now, I am currently working on one of my many children's books. I plan to publish it in the spring. I am currently able to balance work, family, me time and creative time.
I reflect upon how I did not always want to be an artist or a writing. This wasn't what I set out to do in life. I had wanted to be a zookeeper or at the very least work with animals in some manner. I did for a short time work with animals but not as a zookeeper. So what does that mean, did I fail at realizing my dreams, or was it all part of the big plan to get me here to this point in time?
It is so interesting to me that my self-published book would not have happened had I not took the crooked path in life. Everything I have done on my journey, the people I have met, the experiences I have had and all the doubt, fear and judgement has paved a path to writing and painting.
My job at the library is not just a job that pays me money, it is a source of my creativity and gives me the means to realize my potential. I am good at what I do for the library, it is easy and for the most part stress free. It is a stepping stone of my author and illustrator career.
Life is brilliantly pieced together.
Thank you for reading the chaos of my mind.
Peace, Love and Gratitude
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