The Universe Has Your Back
No matter where you are in life the universe has your back. In fact, the universe has always given you exactly what you wanted and what you expect. Have you ever noticed that when you want to learn something, the opportunities that come forth are endless. Or perhaps you feel that the world is against you, that nothing ever goes your way then you may see endless obstacles and challenges. We are pure energy underneath this fleshy body and the energy we put out into the world, i.e. thoughts and feelings, is what we will receive back into our life. So if your thoughts or old beliefs tell you that you are lacking, there is never going to be enough, that you are a failure, or will never find love, or that you're not good enough, the universe will continually show you that you are right in those beliefs. In other words, you will get exactly what you believe. People will let you down, you will continually spend money making sure that you never have enoug...